About Us

Revolutionizing learning with cutting-edge technology


At Netmind Cloud, our very reason for existence is to revolutionize learning from the ground up. We are driven by a mission to harness the unparalleled learning capacity present in the first five years of life, a crucial period that shapes our cognitive journey. By leveraging unconscious learning, artificial intelligence, cutting-edge technology, and gamification, we strive to create a lifelong educational experience that begins at childhood and extends into old age. Our innovative methods not only aim to enhance knowledge retention but also play a crucial role in maintaining mental health, actively working to prevent cognitive decline and mental illnesses. This mission fuels our passion to ensure that learning is a continuous, empowering journey for individuals at every stage of life.

Our journey began with a question: can we improve learning by making it faster, deeper, and more intuitive using unconscious learning, artificial intelligence, and technology? This question led us beyond traditional research, toward the creation of a pioneering model of unconscious learning that redefines how we understand learning.

Netmindgym-Tulbrain is not just an app. It is a foray into educational neuroscience driven by intuitive learning. Using tools provided by AI and technology—from computers and cell phones to virtual reality—we are laying the foundation for a new era of cognitive progress.

Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.

“Henry Ford”

Conventional teaching methods heavily rely on active learning and memorization, often with inconsistent results. In contrast, Netmindgym-Tulbrain unlocks learning by aligning the mind's capabilities with technological innovations for more effective and lasting knowledge retention.

We are proud to partner with the Microsoft for Startups Founders Hub. This partnership amplifies our capacity for innovation and reinforces our commitment to learning excellence and transformation. United by the vision of changing the face of learning, we are charting the path to a future where learning is a boundless experience tailored to the unique potential of each individual.

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